Our Unique Program

We design a program based on your requested specific outcomes, incorporating journeying and exploration as a key focus.


Individual Outcomes

  • Learning through doing
  • Development of independence, confidence, resilience and self-awareness
  • Challenged to reflect and review their participation style
  • Learn to value challenge and individual strengths and weaknesses
  • Opportunities to explore their potential
  • Reflect and have fun away from the distracting technological world we live in today
  • Develop the ability to reflect and process experiences to establish learning and growth
  • Apply their learning into their everyday life

Group Outcomes

  • Explore and expand social skills such as developing and maintaing positive relationships as well as resolving confrontational situations
  • Working together constructively
  • Understanding group dynamics and individual influences
  • Explore and understand the effect of bullying and negative behaviour
  • Group goal setting and the process of getting to that point
  • Explore positive leadership and role modelling
  • Bonding and supporting each other through negative and positive experiences
  • Enhance awareness on age appropriate development issues such as positive risk-taking, behaviour and the impact of those choices

Community Outcomes

  • Promote positive community interaction
  • Reinforce school values and culture
  • Focus on realistic themes affecting communities such as valuing challenge, bullying, leadership, developing cohesive groups and positive team building behaviours, community citizenship and rites of passage
  • Reinforcing the positive messages and behaviour to the wider community and role modelling to the younger generation